
Image Transfer

Keith Haring Assignment

The Keith Haring critique can be found in the “Written Assignment” 

Body Assignment 

  1. Present your opinion of the work’s success or failure. I think the works success would be the editing, I think the editing on this work was strong and how I envisioned. However I believe the works failure would be the the body part I chose to photograph mainly because hands are a bit basic however I felt that it would be the most comfortable part of the body for me to photograph.
  2. What qualities of the work make you feel it is a success or failure? I think overall the qualities of this work lean it more to a success than a failure only because I feel like the idea of jealousy can be read through the work.
  3. What criteria can you list to help others judge this work? I would list the criteria of editing and emotion
  4. Describe how the work makes you think or feel. Support your statement with what in the work leads you to feel those emotion I think this work makes me feel the emotion of jealousy and it reminds me of infidelity because you see a bond between the two people holding hands and someone trying to between them.

Statement Piece

Titled “Bound for the Floor”

Mix Media 

Screen Printing

Lightroom Scavenger Hunt

Trip to Disney photo series

Recreation Picture

Photo Block


Well my whole thought process for this was simply human beings being eaten by things we consume every day. I think as humans we don’t think about the fact that we are the top of the food chain, we can defeat anything that gets in our way because of the fact that we’ve created such huge weapons to take down anything that gets in our way. I mean just thinking about what used to be known as powerful beings like a bear or a tiger, humans can now take one down with a pull of a trigger. So I thought it would be humorous if something like bread consumes us with no regard to our feelings, the way we do to other organisms.


Composition photos